Bonnie Crouch

The third visitor comes from , New York, USA where she live with her Mommy Nicole and Daddy Matt.


Bonnie Crouch to the far left came from a warm spring in USA to a wintery spring in Sweden. Here she still is wearing the dress she arrived in.

Click the thumbnails below to see a bigger and better photo.

Three girls in the Spring Sun: Maudie Rebecca, Kelly and Bonnie.

In a firm grip with Auntie Kat. "Don't drop us in the snow here! I am not dressed for this climate!"

This is cool Mom!! It is 14.2 degrees Celsius and the time is 2.56. IN THE NIGHT!! And look at the light!

Here I am in Kat's kitchen window. Same time as above! Isn't it amazing? 

April 31. Mist in the air and the sun is shining.

Kitty shows me around the yard. Kat and Lennart just took out the garden furniture.

"Sista April". Spring is celebrated with the lighting of a fire. It's a double purpose. Spring cleaning!

Unfortunately we were a bit late to the fire. There was nobody here when we arrived and Kat's kids said they had eaten grilled Hot Dogs and got Ice Cream. Must have been the fastest party ever as the time is just after 7 and they started at 6!!

Lennart's job.

Some work vehicles at Lennart's job.

Malte - the only train not painted blue. They all have names.

Searching for a start disk....

.... as I am helping Kat reinstall her computer after a crash.

May 17.....

.... and it's SNOWING Mom!!

Well, it's hail! Look at these balls Mom! They are huge!

Playing in the snow. This is fun!

Sun Set. But it never goes away for long now.

Sunrise and sunset in Kiruna

Look at the time. This is in the evening....

... and this is how light it is out!!

Lennart is putting together Kat's new bike.

Spring. We are at the same place as above. Can you see that? The snow is gone here.

Me (Bonnie) with Nikki and Kayla.

I am supervising Lennart when he is cleaning the car... Everything needs a spring cleaning here....

"HEY Lennart!! You missed here!!!"

Looking at the "smörbollar" just about to burst open. Smörboll means butterball, Mom! LOL! Balls of butter. This is because they are yellow as the sun (and butter).

The kids are camping out. Kat shook her head as the nights still are chilly.

Sofie and her Stargazer!

Can we look??

Hmm, not funny, just trees!

Lennart is the head of the cooking today. I am just making sure he does it OK...

All ate with a good apetite so I think he did good.

Erik, Kat, Elin and Sofie - and me in the middle there!

Kitty and I are going to sleep in the tent with the other kids.

Late night giggles.

See the sunlight?

Kittys is already sleeping but I had a hard time settling down. The trains made such noice! We only sleep a hundred metres from the railroad. There is only a soccer field between us and the rail road!

Going for a Day's Work Practice - or PRAO in Swedish :-)

Erik and I are going with Kat to work a day. Erik is doing a day of Work Practice.

OK, what's up here?

Aah, waiting for the bus!

And there it is!!

Some weird machines at Kat's work.

This is a Space Simulator. Facilities in Kiruna

A closer look...

These are some cool rockets the students at the University made! They have actually all been flying! The weirdest is an "egg".

Up in the top here is a camera that takes shots of the sky!


On the way up on the roof. It's a long way down there! (not as long as it looks though)

Here are the bowl windows on the roof with all the instruments and cameras. Erik is taking a closer look at some of them.

A view towards Kiruna.

The fabric on the seats of this bus is a jacquard with Dalatrafik's logo so Kat asked a driver once if the bus came from Dalarna. He had no idea but told the bus was called "Dalahästen" (dala horse). It's the only one in Kiruna that looks like this.

Here I am with some of my souvenirs I am taking home to you Mom.

Go here to see more things Bonnie did while in Sweden.

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